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Na pošte

by Jozef Mares

Žltý lístok oznamoval neprebratú zásielku z daňového úradu adresovanú na firmu. OK, posledný deň na prebratie, vybral som sa na poštu. Na pošte som podal žltý lístok, pani si vypýtala občiansky. Potiaľto chápem, preberám poštu za firmu, napíše si kto prebral zásielku. Pani si následne pýta nejaké splnomocnenie že môžem preberať zásielky za firmu.

Odpovedám: “som konateľ a majiteľ, lepšia kvalifikácia asi nebude.” Nie, takto to nestačí musíte mať splnomocnenie vystavené na pošte alebo výpis z obchodného registra. OK, je to kravina ale dnes nemám čas, mám dohodnuté aj jednanie inde.

Pýtam sa čo mám teda robiť, dnes je posledný deň na prebratie. Pani odpovedá: “výpis z obchodného registra mi môžu vystaviť na vedľajšej prepážke.” Rozum sa mi zastavil, a kladiem otázku či sa tam nemôže pozrieť sama. Nie, musí to vidieť na papieri.

Minuté 4 eura za výpis ktorý nepotrebujem, aby som dostal zásielku z ktorej som sa dozvedel že nemusím podávať papierovo DPH a môžem podávať elektronicky (čo robím už najmenej 2 roky).

Fish restaurants in Prague

by Jozef Mares

I really love mediterranean cuisine. When you live in landlocked country like Czech republic where nearest sea is at least few hundred kilometers away you have problem. Fortunately there are few good fish restaurants in Prague.

I want to mention first my favorite – Deco restaurant in Modřany. Mentioning this restaurant is my long-term debt. I tend to go to this restaurant for over year and I still did not mentioned it. I was never dissatisfied there. Owner – Sasa is nice, food is great – you can’t make mistake here. Truly recommended.
Only one thing that sucks there is distance. Restaurant is 20 minutes by tram from city center. But it is worth to go.
My favorite is grilled octopus on fresh salad. Also when you are there try some Croatian wine. You will thank me in the end.

I would recommend going with fish corba soup, then grilled octopus or kambala and I really can’t stress this enough – go for tiramisu. For wine – well I would ask for recommendation on site.

Other great fish restaurant is Luka Lu I was there only two times but I can recommend it. I had octopus with grilled vegetables once and second time pljeskavica both were very good. To recommend menu I would go by baked paprika with filled with cheese, octopus salad and something sweet in the end. For drinking I would recommend Grasevina wine.

Price level of both restaurants is higher, count about 900 – 1000 CZK for person.

When I’m trying to create bootable Linux stick on Mac OS X (yes, I’m doing it) I usually get this error on PC (during boot attempt):

Missing operating system

This is because Unetbootin fails to set partition on USB stick as active and also somehow (I’m lazy to do code review) fails to install mbr.bin from syslinux.

This is how I fix it:

1. plug USB stick to Mac
2. list devices:

diskutil list

3. unmount usb stick (no, eject from Finder is not right thing to do):

diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk2

4. fix problem with active partition:

sudo fdisk -e /dev/disk2
f 1
diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk2

5. download syslinux

6. write mbr.bin to USB stick (locate mbr.bin first):

sudo dd conv=notrunc bs=440 count=1 if=mbr.bin of=/dev/disk2

7. write distribution as usual using Unetbootin.